Good morning! Thank you for sharing in the fun and excitement of our latest collection release!
All of the new products will go up in the shop a bit later this morning (10am EST) and when they do, we’ll also kick off our Thankful for You sale!…
Enjoy 15% off storewide, including the new release items (sale starts at 10am ET when the new products go up in the shop). There will also be a select group of holiday products that will be marked 15% off, with the additional storewide 15% off applied automatically. Products with additional mark downs will be available HERE once the sale goes live at 10am ET.

**Edited to add: Please note that you will not be able to combine rewards points with the 15% off due to the limitations of our checkout system. Only one discount can be applied at a time.
Now for our winners! If you see your name/comment below, please send an email to and we’ll get your gift certificate issued asap!
Winner #1 is Nancy Rodeberg from here on The Greetery blog…

Winner #2 is Laurie from Wanda’s blog…

If you’re looking to pour over all of the beautiful team projects a little more, you can check out the new Lookbooks!
Thank you again for joining us for the peeks, projects, videos, and all the rest! We are so thankful you are here with us! 😊